Friday, 15 January 2016

What Institution would make our film?

I have chosen after a lot of research, Lionsgate. Lionsgate actually made American psycho also and I feel that film is very similar to 'Blank Canvas' our film so they would know how to work well with our film and make it the best it can be.

1. Lionsgate (formerly known as Cinépix Film Properties) is a Canadian-American film production/distribution studio and a division of Lions Gate Entertainment. It is the largest and most successful mini-major film studio in North America.

It focuses on foreign and independent films and has distributed various commercially successful film series, including The Twilight Saga (partially), The Hunger Games, The Divergent Series, and The Expendables.

We feel Lionsgate is a very diverse production company and our film is anything but the norm. We also would want a big name behind our film like Lions Gate but as it specialises in block busters such as Hunger games we would want that to project onto our film too.
We want our film to become a cult classic such as American psycho and we really feel this company would push us to the greatest advantage.

Another company that could make our film is New Line Cinema.
New Line Cinema is one of the largest independent producers, acquirers, and distributors of theatrical motion pictures in the world. Founded in 1967, today the studio has a domestic marketing and distribution organization; a home video division; a television production and distribution organization; an international division; and merchandising, music and new media subsidiaries that fully exploit New Line's film properties and franchises. New Line's programming refreshes AOL Time Warner's libraries and provides valuable programming for its cable networks, in particular TNT, TBS and HBO.

New line cinema feels like another very good fit for our film as ours is following the same type of storyline as New Line Cinemas two most famous films, A night mare on elm street and Texas Chainsaw Massacre too cult classics. Both follow the structure of A serial killer with a number of murders under the belt so I feel like new line cinemas would be the perfect company to distribute our film and be very helpful in making our film th best it can be.

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