Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Evaluation task 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

We as a group went through all the technologies we used when doing our whole production and found 10 of the most important ones we then discussed these and annotated our thriller with the 10 technologies we had used. Here is the annotated version of our videos, to see them turn on the annotations on the video before you watch.

Here our the annotations we added in the video:
  • Camera - Sony FS 100 - 1080I HD format - zoom lens
    • We used the Sony FS 100 and a zoom lens to film, in 1080I HD Format, a range of close ups and midshots to show detail within our work. k
  • Editing Soft ware - Adobe Premiere
    • We used Adobe Premiere Pro to determine and edit which clips we wanted in our thriller and to bring out a final product. k
  • Tripod
    • The tripod was used to steady the camera, in order for the audience to be able to focus on the details we wanted to show. k
  • Rifle/Shotgun Mic
    • The rifle microphone was used to record detailed diagetic sound effects such as the paint and blood and to cancel out any surrounding sounds. k
  • Lighting
    • We used high-key lighting to create a certain ambiance within our thriller to highlight certain moments within the sequence. k
  • soundtrack
    • The non-diegetic soundtrack we included was used to enhance the tension we were trying to build up within our sequence. k
  • titles
    • We used the title cards to contrast and transition between the clips included in our thriller. The font reflected the atmosphere we trying to convey. k
  • adjusting the speed of certain clips
    • When we moderated our speed certain clips to build more suspense and stress the actions happening within the shots. This was also done to match the speed of the non-diagetic soundtrack. k
  • camera movement
    • We included included camera movements such as pans and tilts within our thriller to create an intense feeling of suspense because the actions are revealed in a slower maneuver. k
  • Slowing down the soundtrack 
    • The non-diagetic soundtrack has been slowed down with the sound editor within Adobe Premiere Pro in order for us to be able to enhance the tension we hoped to represent in our thriller.

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