Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Evaluation Task 5 - How did you attract/address your audience?

Here is my Evaluation task 5 Interview. I recorded it on soundcloud which i had never used before and really enjoyed leanring to use for my media task. Here is the transcript of the interview below.

Interviewer - Hi there! so tell me, what genre would you say your film is?
Interviewee - I would definitely say that the film is a thriller but i also think it is under the sub genre of a psychological thriller. I think when we were writing and filming this film we got a lot of influence form films such as red dragon and silence of the lambs, both featuring a psychopathic man but also the film being a successfull thriller thats exactly what we wanted for our film too.
Interviewer -Excellent, excellent, I think that definitely came across! So where did you set this thriller?
Interviewee - We were from the outset wanting to set it in a hidden industrial building or basement hidden from the world, we didnt really want a very descriptive location as we wanted to focus solely on the task in hand, although it was still important and pivotal to the piece. By choosing this location/setting also we have hoped that the audience will get a sense of mystery and be kept wondering where this is all going on, creating tension a huge convention of the thriller genre.
Interviewer - That’s great and exactly how i felt watching it! Now the big one! what is a shortrun down of the plot?
Interviewee - Ah well this is both simple and complicated for me so ill just leave you with a brief storyline. A psychopathic serial killer is using a victim who is still barely alives blood to paint a painting.
Interviewer- oooo creepy! How do you think this would attract an audience then?
Interviewee - Well we hope that It araises questions and makes the audience think about why the psychopath is doing these things and what drove him to it. Also maybe even who is making him do these things possibly.
interviewer -good good, Now onto the characters! I strangely felt a lot of sympathy with the psychopath who is never named, was this your intention all along?
Interviewee - Well our intention was in fact to create a character of a man who is isolated in his own world troiled with conflict and is troubled by the extent of their mind, acting out of control and sort of in a way has contracted obsessive compulsive disorder.
Interviewer - Do you think an audience could ever like that sort of person?
Interviewee - I think they could! he is unpredictable and has passion, because he is also relatable and makes them want to find out more.
Interviewer - Did you use an sort of narrative devices then? any plot twists?
Interviewee - Well of course! the biggest one! the reveal of the body, because up til the reveal its supposes to just appear as a normal painting. Also we used suspense and tension a lot.
Interviewer - How do you think it appeals to an audience?
Interviewee - It definitely appeals to a certain kind of person. A lover of cult classic movies such as Silence of the lambs and American Psycho. It plays mind games with you and appeals to anyone in the worlds dark side, cause we all have one.
Interviewer - I absolutely loved the eary soundtrack you used! why did you choose that?
Interviewee - We decided to use not the typical classical up beat music but a distorted version we slowed down and ‘messed up’ it is a contrapuntal non-diegetic soundtrack and is supposed to be extremely haunting. Also fans of that haunting music will be drawn to the soundtrack immediatly i feel.
Interviewer - I totally agree! So answer this for me What information did you give away in the titles? was it stereotypical?
Interviewee - We used the titles to show who the actors were and who played the roles of our main characters and we used and featured more young and up and coming actors so when you see there name on the screen you know youll love the movie.
Interviewer -Tom grace certainly caught my eye! So what editing techniques did you use? Why will this attract your target audience? who are your target audience?
Interviewee - from the extensive reserach we did it showed our target audience was woman in their midaged period so 40-60. We prepared for also a lot of males preffering the film over woman as well but our main demographic was in fact the woman. We used in editing pace increases as teh sequence goes along to create tension again.
Interviewer -Thanks for he interview i recomend everyone to see this film, its definitely one of my favourites thankyou blank canvas!

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