Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Media Thriller Idea 4

Whole film - The film is about The girl being reported missing shortly after this scene and we see a big memorial for her outside the school. we then follow the school throughout the movie and it is one of those stereotypical murder ‘who did it’ thriller films. We grow close to a couple of characters until one of the english teachers best students go missing under nearly the same circumstances as Katie. We find out in the end it wasn't actually her brother who throughout we are led to believe it is because he is emotionally unstable hearing of his sisters death we all think because the guilt has literally consumed him.But actually it is the lovable english teacher who everyone grows to love in the film.

Opening Scene - A lovable teenage girl called Katie is practising a monologue after school probably about 7/8 o clock, no one else is at school but her and the lighting guy and maybe her teacher, It’s set in the theatre so its a big empty space with just one spotlight on her then the lighting guy says he has to lock up and she's fine with it and then he ‘leaves’ and then then lights turn off and then turn on and everything is distorted for example the stool she was stood next to is over turned and there are pieces of paper from the book scattered everywhere also they’re torn and the girl herself is not there anymore and she has mysteriously disappeared.

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