Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Monday, 14 December 2015

Cost for costumes

Victims Costume Costs -

Serial Killers Costume Costs - 

Serial Killer Costume Ideas :
- Dark Navy Boilersuit
- Splattered in Blood/Paint
- Barefoot

Dead Body Costume Ideas:
- Wife Beater/White Tanktop - Stained, Tattered
- Scratch and cut marks on his face, chest, and arms
- White Shorts
- Barefoot

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Feedback – Blank Canvas Pitch

This is the feedback we got regarding our pitch on Friday, the 4th of December, including the rehearsal shoot.
  • Nice camera angles.
  • Difficult to show a cut up body, however what if the painting was drawn in blood from the body on a canvas – people wouldn't expect that. Using the body to create the painting/sculpture – using the vicitim as material than rather cutting it up.
  •  Torture.
  • Using a guy is a better idea (as the victim) as it isn't stereotypical.
  • Location: Depends – if you want a studio, you can use the art room instead of just using the studio.
    ~ Don't do the hallway thing, keep it in one location.

Our response to the feedback:

  • The new idea is that the victim is dead and that the psychopath is drawing in the victim's blood.
  • Discarded the hallway idea.
  • Everything else is still the same.

Scene Outline:

  • Slowly introduced to our male psycho killer
    • Show shots of his eyes, his hands, etc. to create tension
  • Slow build up of shots that increase in importance
    • As we go along we see the parts of the paintbrush, blood palette, etc.
  • We then see the body
    • The body is no longer suspended from the wall or a slab
      • Body is now seated on a chair or lying on the floor, bloody and dying/dead.
    • We see a scalpel lying somewhere, alongside knives and other weapons.
  • In the end, the killer is shown manically smiling
    • Obviously happy, shaking, sweat dripping down his head, and the canvas full of blood is shown.

Friday, 4 December 2015

What is a storyboard?

What is a Storyboard?

A storyboard is a crucial part of the film process. It is basically a sketch out of the entire film. It saves cost as films are expensive to run and make so by producing a shot by shot of the film you can save more time and therefore more money.

Generally -
It is a visual aid to help your idea.
Helps to plan your idea and be creative also.

It saves a lot of time.
You can plan the technical and how you will approach the filming.
It is easier to spend time in pre production than to be on set and change things.
Visually everyone can be on the same page.

What's on a Storyboard?

  • Shot number
  • Location 
  • Action
  • Shot/movement
  • Sound
  • Lighting
  • Transition
  • Timing

Our Storyboard.

Here is our storyboard that we all created in our group together. We devised it by making sure we knew what we wanted step by step shot wise. This will hopefully help us in the long run when we are shooting our thriller so that we can be more organised and efficient as in the film business "Time is Money".

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Pitch Presentation

Our Thriller Idea – Blank Canvas
    • A man seems to be painting something, and seems to get frustrated with what he is doing. In the end, it reveals that he is actually messing up a body of a person, killing them in the process.
    • Over all: Going down the hallway (for 30 seconds) – cross cuts/flashes between what is going on in the room and the hallway; the flashes increase in length until it just shows what is going on within the room.
    • Slowly introduced to our male psycho killer
      • Show shots of his eyes, his hands, etc. to create tension
    • Slow build up of shots that increase in importance
      • As we go along we see the parts of the scalpel (isn't made obvious), blood palette, etc.
    • We then see the body
      • The body is suspended from the wall or a slab 
    • In the end, the killer is shown manically smiling
      • Obviously happy, shaking, sweat dripping down his head.
    • We need two men, one older man in his 40's, and the other one is in his 20's.
      • James Hurtman as the psychotic killer (maybe)
    • The studio
Footage of test shoot: 

Moodboard –